Asset Protection


What is Asset Protection?

The use of legal strategies to protect your existing assets including real estate, investments, and corporate interests from future creditors.

Ana M. Veliz, P.A. can help you implement layers of asset protection. How many layers? That depends on type of assets you own and your family situation. Asset protection can be simple or complex depending on your personal situation.

Why is Asset Protection so important?

Did you know that a recent study has determined that the average person in today’s day and age will be sued approximately five times within their lifespan? During an age where litigation has exploded, no business or professional activity is exempt from the increasing risks of being sued. In this kind of environment, being prepared for protecting your assets is crucial.

The Advantages:
  • Restructuring your financial holdings so they are placed beyond the reach of potential future creditors.
  • Keeping your business, estate and possessions secured.
  • Planning for asset protection will allow you to negotiate with future creditors more effectively.
  • Ability to protect your children and future generations from claims for creditors, lawsuits, and divorce.

Do I really need to protect my assets?

If you are worried about losing assets due to a potential creditor, a lawsuit, or a claim, you need to think about strategies that will legally help you protect your assets.

If you are worried that your children or future generations will lose their inheritance to a potential creditor, a divorce or other lawsuit, you need to think about strategies to protect the next generation.

Ana M. Veliz, P.A. can help you with strategic planning for asset protection!

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